Thursday 19 November 2009

MP 3 Players

Earlier this year I purchased a new MP3 player (pictured). This baby can do everything. It has an FM tuner for your radio shows. It plays back video clips. It stores all your photographs on it. And obviously you can put your favourite music on it.

Recently I did some research on how best I could utilise the features it has. I managed to find out how to apply album arts to the music tracks in the audio library. It can be used to download podcast from service providers including the BEEB. And it has a feature on it called Zencast, which has various channels on every subject ranging from sport to science. Once you set the channels you want to subscribe to they are updated to it's server weekly for download to player

In the coarse of my research I performed a Google search on the particular model I have. I wanted to see what had been posted about it on the web. Whilst doing this research on one of the forums in the FAQ section I found the best questioned asked, and it read "How can I get porn on my Zen?" This was unsurprisingly posted anonymously, which isn't all that odd, but there were nearly 100 responses to this enquiry. Who says the Internet is only used for finding comedy and wank images on?

Not only is this MP3 a multimedia device, you can use it to store your diary, any contact information you need. It has a recorder on it that you can use for any voice memos you wish to take during your daily routine. You can make and view slide shows and apply backing tracks to the slide shows from the music library. It even has an alarm facility on it,which presumably you can wake up to your favourite music, in conjunction with a docking station, which this model doesn't have.

The best feature that this machine has is it's CD ripping software. Which is so easy a monkey could use it(provided it can follow simple on screen instruction). All you have to do is insert(stop it not rude) a CD in to the computer and provided you are connected to an Internet all the details including the album art can be put straight on to the player, all conversions are done by the software.

In closing this is the best purchase I have made in the last few years. Which brings me to the last point I wish to make namely the multimedia world in which everyone lives. With the advent of affordable computers more people have access to the best source of information that you could ever get at a library(unless they have computers in), the Internet.

And everybody knows the Internet is a good thing and not just a "passing fad" as I once heard it described by a drunk moron in a drinking pit. And lastly Sir Alan Sugar was well wrong about I-Pod not taking off.