Friday 20 November 2009

Art work in entertainment

In this blog I would like to talk about album art. We obviously buy albums by our favourite bands and musicians. But I am sure that some people have been tempted to buy a record based solely on the cover art work. The one pictured is an iconic one from my childhood; it is of coarse Brothers in Arms by Dire Straits. Growing up I was introduced to some truly iconic albums by the biggest artists of the time. Most notably the records in my parent’s collection had some truly incredible art work. The Beatles album covers are recognised by many, even people who don’t follow their music. The cover from Sergeant Pepper spring to mind immediately. Other artworks on their albums that are memorable are the album covers to Revolver and Rubber Soul. Then there’s that one with the band crossing Abbey Road at the zebra crossing, don’t know the name of the album. Maybe somebody could inform me.

This article doesn’t just apply to music albums but can also be transferred to DVD cases and games console covers. For instance the cover from Platoon has to be recognised by everyone, you know it has the soldier on his knees and arms reaching skyward (bonus point if anyone can tell me which actor it is). This is the poster from Platoon which I’m sure everybody over 30 must remember. For those of you who are interested the actor is Willem Dafoe who played Sergeant Elias. I really like the napalm fire in the background of that photograph. Another favourite cover of mine is from another Oliver Stone movie JFK. This has the torn Stars and Stripes and Kevin Costner face in blue and white. Then of coarse I should really mention the Star Wars and Indiana Jones artwork.

Now this picture situated on the left was just mentioned earlier is my favourite art work and possibly my fav movie as well. (If you wish to see larger picture just click on the images). It is of coarse Harry Forders as Indy Jones. I’d want to buy that DVD just by looking at it’s cover, even if had no clue about what the movie is about, but you would have to be a troglodyte not have any knowledge of this film.
I think that we are lucky to be able to see these images especially when they can be found on the web, we can just browse the pictures from our arm-chairs.