Sunday, 20 February 2011
More Look A Likes
Posted by Matthew Dunn at 3:00:00 pm 0 comments
Saturday, 19 February 2011
All My Life Trouble in the Middle East
With the events of the last few weeks in Egypt and Libya and Bahrain I can't help thinking that the region for whatever reason has not been peaceful. There hasn't been a year gone by when there hasn't been some shit happening there. I can remember the American's bombing Libya. Then the Libyan's taking revenge and bombing the Pan Am jet over Lockerbie. And coming down through the years various Arab leaders have been both in and out of favour with the Western Allies. During the Iran and Iraq war both the U of K and the US of A backed the Saddam Iraq regime and ten years later we were kicking his ass end out of Kuwait. And from that time onwards he was completely out of favour with us. During the 80's on the daily news menu hardly a day went by when there wasn't a mention of the Intifada on the West Bank or stories of the US Marines coming under attack in the Lebanese capital of Beirut. Also the arms for hostages and western citizens being seized by the PLO. Whilst at school we studied the Islamic uprising on the West Bank, and as part of our studies we were asked the question can there ever be real peace in the region. That was some twenty years ago and I came to the conclusion that it could never happen for 2 reasons. The first reason being not whilst there were dictatorships such as Gadaffi's Libya, the Iotolha's Iran and Hussien's Iraq. And the second reason being Israel's policy of not negotiating with terrorist organisations that were being backed by these regimes. But I always found that excuse to be more than a little on the side of the hypocritical. And so far I have been proved right. Now that there has been a peaceful change of regime in Egypt the situation in the Middle East has its own snowball effect. In days gone by the powers that be in each of these nations would simply have quashed these rebellions with an iron boot. But in the age of the internet their leaders know that the whole world is watching. Gone are the days when the press can be kicked out and the local news channels could be shut down. And the protestors could be quietly dealt with. But with the current climate in the region and Israel's attitude to the Islamic world will the question become will there ever be peace in the Middle East in my lifetime?
Posted by Matthew Dunn at 8:35:00 pm 0 comments
Sunday, 13 February 2011
Has Everybody Got a Double
Posted by Matthew Dunn at 8:04:00 pm 0 comments
Sunday, 6 February 2011
What Goes Around Comes Around
Assange Furious. Reading yesterday's Times newspaper I couldn't help but laugh when I read the following headline "Assange fury as police file on sex claims is leaked online". It seems that the Wikileaks founder thinks it is ok to leak items which he feels the public have a right to know about, and that is all fine. But when something is leaked about him in connection with two counts of sexual assault all of a sudden that is something of a wrong thing. Is it in the public interest for use to read about this guy trying to force himself on two girls, or does this bloke not want his credibility to be questioned. As far as I am concerned he has no credibility. He and his organisation have set back diplomacy a long way. Wikileaks clearly has no real idea how diplomacy is conducted. I couldn't care less if he is guilty or not of the crimes he is accused of. But he thinks it is ok for him to ruin many diplomats' reputations and in many cases loose them their jobs but that is just fine and dandy. But as soon as the content of his lack of character is brought into question the rules seemed to have miraculously changed. These types of leaks are fine for him when the people he is ruining are distant far off anonymous people with no faces, but when it comes a lot closer to home it is somehow a very bitter pill to swallow. I wish to remind Mr. Assange if you can't take it, then you shouldn't dish it out. I am also reminded of one of my best friend's favourite sayings "the emptiest vessels do tend to make the most noise". As far as I am concerned it wasn't in the public interest to leak these classified documents. And I hope that he will get his comeuppance and finally end up deported to the United States and face the limit of their laws for the alleged crimes that he will face trial for. He seems to think that there should be no consequences for the more than dubious actions he has taken, disclosing sensitive and highly classified documents. All he has succeeded in doing is angering the most powerful government in the world. And I am no expert but that is an incredibly dumb thing to do. So if this twat is angry about the file on the sex allegation charges being leaked then I couldn't give a flying fuck if he is upset, and nor could the numerous diplomats whose lives he has ruined. And this could be the ultimate case of what goes around comes around.
Posted by Matthew Dunn at 7:33:00 pm 0 comments
Friday, 4 February 2011
Yesterday I wanted to punch an 81 year man in the face. He was rather bigoted and racist would that have been bad form?
After I finished work yesterday I was sat in Brizzle bus station waiting for a mechanical contrivance to board for the journey home. I couldn't help but over hear two old gits and I don't mean the funny ones from Harry Enfield and Chums. They were talking about the state of life in contemporary British society; this old fucknut was talking about how he had served in the Royal Navy during the WW2. And that he didn't fight for King and Country to allow these foreigners in to take English jobs. And that there were too many robbing fornicating Pakistani gentlemen and too many fornicating gentlemen of Afro-Caribbean descent over here. I rapidly came to the conclusion this idiot had no real grasp of the reason why his generation went to war in the first place. Now let's just ponder on what Hitler and Co. wanted to stop happening across mainland Europe, freedom of speech is the first thing that springs to mind. Frankly after hearing those 2 old fuckers talking for twenty minutes I would have been glad if we had lost the war, then I wouldn't have had to endure the GBH of the ear drum, which was not only insulting to my intelligence but the most ill informed fascist tirade I have ever heard. Firstly the complaints they made about these people living on hand outs from the government. If he had logically thought out that statement he would have realised that the time he spent in the navy his wages were paid by the taxpayer. Where does his state pension come from and presumably he also gets supplemental extras like a heating allowance. I just wish Cameron and the Cleggonator could have been there to witness their "Big Society" in action. The only conclusion I can come to with regard to this question posed in the above title is it probably would have been bad form to punch him but I probably would have temporarily felt better. But the punch would have been wasted effort on my part, because it wouldn't have altered there thinking with regards to racism and bigotry they have spent a lifetime forming. And it wouldn't have been very easy to lamp him as he was sat with Andy Gray and Richard Keys, they were forming the South West Chapter of the Tea Party. Here endeth the lesson.
Posted by Matthew Dunn at 9:28:00 pm 1 comments